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*Important Notices for the Neuron Mocap Plug-in Beta*

Posted By Realtimer (RL) 10 Years Ago
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*Important Notices for the Neuron Mocap Plug-in Beta*

Realtimer (RL)
Realtimer (RL)
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Group: Administrators
Last Active: Last Month
Posts: 226, Visits: 3.0K
Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Perception Neuron Mocap Plug-In Beta forum. We at Reallusion would like to thank all those who are participating in the Perception Neuron Mocap Plug-in Beta program, which has been made possible through a joint partnership effort between Noitom, with its revolutionary Perception Neuron system; and Reallusion, the company that brought you the easy-to-use, real-time 3D animation tool iClone 6.

We are very excited with the release of this Beta plug-in, which has been specifically designed for iClone v6.2. And like any other beta programs, the Neuron Mocap Plug-in Beta will be undergoing lots of testing before its official release, so we need your help to provide us with as much feedback as possible to make it it even better for you. The plug-in is provided as an “as is” basis, and Reallusion makes no warranty with respect to the licensed software and shall carry no liability on the usage and performance of this plug-in. The interface and specifications are subject to change and may be different from the final version. This beta testing program is a closed beta, meaning that participation of this beta is through registration only. Please do not re-distribute these beta installation files or share your serial number with any other 3rd parties. Thank you for your cooperation, and remember to enjoy this Neuron Mocap Plug-in!

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